Homemade Almond Milk Recipe

Homemade almond milk is easy to make, cost effective, and you control exactly what is going into it. Depending on which level of the Wahls Protocol you might be following, you can sweeten your almond milk with fresh vanilla beans or dates for added flavor.

Here is my favorite go-to recipe for making almond milk at home! Keep in mind, you can use almost any nut you prefer within this same recipe!



8 oz raw, unsalted almonds
3.5 cups water
1 whole, organic vanilla bean (optional) 2 dates for sweetness (optional)


-Place 8 oz raw almonds in a mixing bowl and cover with water.  Leave almonds soaking for 24 hours until almonds are plump. 
-Thoroughly rinse the almonds and discard the water that was used to soak the almonds
-Place almonds in a blender along with 3.5 cups water and 1 whole vanilla bean
-Blend on high for 90 seconds
-Strain mixture through a nut bag (I bought mine HERE) and into a jar
-Refrigerate the almond milk and drink throughout the week!  You will be left with almond meal in the nut bag.  Store the almond meal in a Ziploc bag or jar, and use for other recipes!

This homemade almond milk will stay fresh in your refrigerator for about 5 days*

Homemade almond milk recipe by Jackerbee Health

Almond Milk Recipe | Non-Dairy Solution

Almond milk recipe
March 20, 2023

Non-dairy milk alternatives have gained popularity which is quite exciting for those who must avoid dairy. It’s a whole new world to be able to order a fun latte at the local coffee shop and have the option of almond or cashew milk. But have you stopped to read the ingredients in the non-dairy milks you might find in the grocery store or coffee shop? Often times they are filled with carrageenan, thickeners, artificial sweeteners, and gums. On top of that, at the market you might pay $8 a carton of almond milk!

Homemade Almond Milk Recipe

Homemade almond milk is easy to make, cost effective, and you control exactly what is going into it. Depending on which level of the Wahls Protocol you might be following, you can sweeten your almond milk with fresh vanilla beans or dates for added flavor.

Here is my favorite go-to recipe for making almond milk at home! Keep in mind, you can use almost any nut you prefer within this same recipe!



8 oz raw, unsalted almonds
3.5 cups water
1 whole, organic vanilla bean (optional) 2 dates for sweetness (optional)


-Place 8 oz raw almonds in a mixing bowl and cover with water.  Leave almonds soaking for 24 hours until almonds are plump. 
-Thoroughly rinse the almonds and discard the water that was used to soak the almonds
-Place almonds in a blender along with 3.5 cups water and 1 whole vanilla bean
-Blend on high for 90 seconds
-Strain mixture through a nut bag (I bought mine HERE) and into a jar
-Refrigerate the almond milk and drink throughout the week!  You will be left with almond meal in the nut bag.  Store the almond meal in a Ziploc bag or jar, and use for other recipes!

This homemade almond milk will stay fresh in your refrigerator for about 5 days*

Homemade almond milk recipe by Jackerbee Health

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